
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thurs 4/21 UMB ISO Weekly Organizing Meeting

Proposed Agenda:

1) The Nuclear Disaster in Japan- 20 min
Join the U Mass Boston International Socialist Organization for our weekly organizing meeting. As each day goes on the nuclear disaster in Japan gets worse and worse. The unfolding catastrophe illustrates both the consequences of a system that puts profit before human life and the environment while at the same time reveals the urgency for fighting for an alternative to capitalism. Join us in a discussion on what's happening in Japan and what we can do about it.

Read some back round articles for more information,
"Why nuclear power must go" by Professor Chris Williams author of Ecology and Socialism
"The nightmare that could happen here" by Elizabeth Schulte, writer at

2) Building the ISO on Campus: Assessing the Semester- 40 min
This spring is also the first semester we've finally established a full time branch of the ISO on campus. We'll be assessing how the UMB ISO's experience has gone thus far and what we want to do for the remainder of the semester.

3) "SOCIALISM 2011 CONFERENCE: Revolution in the Air" What is is, why we should go, and strategizing how to build it- 40 min

This July 4th weekend will be the Socialism 2011 Conference: Revolution in the Air in Chicago IL. As the website describes,

Everywhere we look in the world there are revolutions and struggles that are challenging dictatorship, economic inequality, and oppression. From Cairo to Madison, these struggles show us that "another world is possible." But they also raise questions about what ideas, strategies, and tactics are necessary to carry the struggle forward. Socialism 2011 will provide an opportunity for new and veteran activists to discuss what these events mean for our world, and for our own movements today.

Last year, more than 1,500 people turned out to Socialism 2010 in Oakland and Chicago.Don’t miss the chance to meet with hundreds of others like you who want to build an alternative to a system of greed, racism, war and oppression.

Thurs April 21st
4:30 pm- 6:30 pm
Wheatley Building
Room TBA
U Mass Boston