
Monday, April 4, 2011

U Mass Boston International Socialist Organization
~Weekly Branch Organizing Meeting~

Fighting Budget Cuts &
Building the "Eyewitness to Revolution in Egypt" Speaking Tour

Thursday April 7th 2011
Wheatley Building Room 047
U Mass Boston

As the U.S. is bombing Libya, continuing to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, and funding Israel's occupation of Palestine, funding for education and social services are being cut dramatically. Already, in Massachusetts, the state budget for public higher education has been cut by 15% and the UMB board of trustees is already planning on increasing fees over the next few months. This is one among many examples of working people and students being made to pay for a crisipoliticiansns and bankers have created. Already, students and faculty have been organizing tchallengege increased fees and the ongoinprivatizationon of public higher education.

Join the U Mass Boston International Socialist Organization for our weekly organizing meeting. This week the proposed agenda is to discuss anti-budget cuts organizing taking place on campus in preparation for an April 13 day of action and to discuss plans for building the ISO's upcoming public forum, "Eyewitness to the Revolution in Egypt" featuring an Egyptian American socialist who was organizing in Egypt during the revolution. There will also be a final announcement for the April 9th National Anti-War protest in NYC.

Proposed Agenda
1) Report Back on Anti-War Speak Out 10 min

2) Organizing Against Budget Cuts 35 min

3) Building the "Eyewitness to Revolution in Egypt" Tour 35 min

4) April 9th & Socialism 2011 Conference Announcement 10 min