Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/31 - Branch Meeting

Welcome back!

Weekly Branch Meeting
Proposed Agenda
1) Checking in on building for "Socialism 101: The Case for an Alternative" -- 20 min
2) Building for our Radical Black History forum -- 40 min
3) Learning from other branches: Discussing NYU's Document 25 min
4) Convention Guests: 10 min
Thursday Jan 31 2013
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Campus Center 2nd Flr 
Rm 2540

RSVP on Facebook   
Welcome back! The U Mass Boston branch of the International Socialist Organization is looking forward to an exciting semester of struggle and radical politics. With Obama in his second term of office, we're guaranteed another four years of the bipartisan austerity agenda. While education budgets are cut, unions attacked, undocumented workers deported, and the military budget left untouched, we know that more resistance is bound to occur. Building a socialist alternative to the war, racism, and oppression of capitalism is urgent.  Join us for the first branch meeting of the semester. We'll be discussing plans to organize for our upcoming forums on campus along with strategies for growing the ISO. We look forward to seeing you!