
Sunday, February 10, 2013

2/14 - Branch Meeting

"Where We Stand" & Fighting for the UMass we Deserve

Where We Stand packet

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Thursday Feb 14th, 2013
5:30 - 7:30pm
Campus Center 2nd Floor, Room 2540

Proposed Agenda

1) Where We Stand Discussion :: 50 min
Please read up to page 17 of the Where We Stand packet (pdf)

2) Fighting for the UMass we deserve: What's Next? :: 35 min

The ISO is committed to building an alternative to this current system of war, oppression, greed and poverty. We want you to join us. But what is this alternative we're talking about? What do we mean by "socialism", and how do we think we can get there? Join us for a discussion of part one of the "Where We Stand" packet, which answers these and more burning questions about the ISO and our politics!

At UMass Boston, we've faced higher and higher fees, and less and less control over our education. UMass administrators have continued to impose the corporate model on our university, as the 1% has with education around the country. While Seattle teachers have resisted excessive testing, the UMass community is beginning to speak out against program cuts & parking increases. What struggle should we focus on, and how can we win the UMass we all deserve?