
Monday, March 18, 2013

3/21 Branch Meeting

Education Meeting
Women's Liberation & Socialism:

Where does sexism come from, and how do we end it?

Thursday March 21, 2013, 5:30 PM
Campus Center, 2nd Floor, Room 2545, UMass Boston

Proposed Agenda:

1) Introductions/go-around -- 10 min
2) Education discussion: "Women's Liberation & Socialism" -- 60 min

Please read Chapters 1 & 5 from "Women & Socialism" by Sharon Smith
Don't have a copy of the book? Read Chapter 1 here, and Sharon Smith's fantastic article "Marxism, feminism, & women's liberation"

Additional resources:

“Turning Back the Clock? Women, Work and Family Today”
“The Origins of Women's Oppression” (audio)
“Marxism and Women's Liberation” (audio)

3) Building for our forum "The Fight against Sexism & Rape Culture" -- 45 min
Please read "Guilty verdicts are only a start"
4) Proposal on branch organization -- 10 min
"If women's liberation is unthinkable without communism, then communism is unthinkable without women's liberation." -- Inessa Armand

From Dehli to Steubenville, from the attacks on women in the halls of Congress to the victim-blaming media -- sexism is far from dead. We need to fight against sexism in today's society -- but how can women achieve permanent liberation? The feminist movement of the 1960s made real gains -- so why have nearly all those gains been rolled back? For socialists, women's oppression is rooted in class society. As long as there is a 99% and a 1%, there is a basis for sexism to live on.

Join the International Socialist Organization to discuss the origins of women's oppression and how to achieve real liberation.