Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4/25 Branch Meeting

Don't Let Them Turn Tragedy into Hate
Organizing against Racism & Islamophobia on campus

Thursday April 25th, 2013, 5:30 PM
Campus Center, 2nd Floor, Room 2540, UMass Boston

Proposed Agenda:

1) Discussion: Resisting the backlash against Arabs and Muslims -- 50 min
Please read the article "Don't let them use fear to lock down our rights"

Additional resources:

"The tide of Islamophobia"
“This is a tragedy, not a celebration"
“Through the media's prejudiced lens"

2)  The Socialism 2013 Conference: What it is, why you should come, and how to build it on campus -- 50 min
Please check out the "Socialism 2013" website
The horrific images of the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15 shocked everyone. The brutal attack has left 3 dead and 180 people injured. In the face of these attacks, though, we have seen images of hundreds of ordinary people, doctors, nurses and other caregivers rush into action to help strangers in need--all signs of our city pulling together after an act of unspeakable horror. And w

But, similarly to the aftermath of 9/11, we have also seen racist and anti-Muslim attacks skyrocket - both by individuals, and by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security. And now, with the suspect in custody, the Corporate Media is moving into over drive to demonize Arabs and Muslims and exploting this tragedy to manufacture support for increasing the attacks on basic civil liberties. Building a public movement on campus that says we won't let them turn our grief into hatred or racist 'community' surveillance is extremely urgent. Please join us and other campus activists at this weeks branch meeting to discuss plans for creating that movement on campus.

Also, join us for a conversation about the ISO's upcoming Socialism 2013 Conference; what it is, why you should come to it, and how to build for it on campus.