Friday, March 30, 2012

UMass Boston International Socialist Organization presents

Why we need systemic change

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wheatley Building 1st Floor, Room 43

For revolutionary Marxists, there is an inextricable link between racism and capitalism. Capitalism is dependent on racism as both a source of profiteering, but more importantly as a means to divide and rule. Racism is necessary to drive a wedge between workers who otherwise have everything in common and every reason to ally and organize together, but who are perpetually driven apart to the benefit of the ruling class.

Thus, any serious discussion about Black liberation has to take up not only a critique of capitalism, but also a credible strategy for ending it. For Marxists, that strategy hinges on the revolutionary potential of a unified, multiracial and multi-ethnic working-class upheaval against capitalism.

Join us this Thursday for a discussion of the Socialist Worker article "Race, class and Marxism" by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: