UMass Boston International Socialist Organization
Educational Meeting on
Educational Meeting on
No Power Greater: Marxism and the Centrality of Class

Thursday April 12th
Room 43
Wheatley Building 1st Floor
UMass Boston
Capitalism-a system designed by and for the 1%-is failing to meet the needs of the 99% and people around the world, from Greece to Egypt to Wall St., have been moving into struggle. But how do we get rid of capitalism? Who has the power to fundamentally transform our society? What do we replace it with? As Marxists, we think the working class- the people who make this society function- have both the collective social power and the objective interests to overthrow the system and replace it with something far better-socialism, a society based on the principles of democracy, solidarity, and equality.
Join the UMass Boston ISO for an educational meeting where we will be discussing the chapter Workers Power! from Alex Callinicos' The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx published by Haymarket Books. If you would like to buy a copy of the book or a print out of the chapter please contact Or if you want, check out this article Marx's Theory of Working Class Revolution. Also, join us for a second section where we will be discussing how to build and publicize for out upcoming public forum The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx.
Proposed Agenda
1) No Power Greater: Marxism and the Centrality of Class -1 hour
2) Building the "Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx" Public Forum -20 min