"The empire's new clothes"
War & Imperialism in the Age of Obama

Thursday April 4th, 2013, 5:30 PM
Campus Center, 2nd Floor, Room 2545, UMass Boston
Proposed Agenda:
1) Discussion: "Imperialism in the Age of Obama" -- 50 min
Including building for a city-wide event
Please read the article "The empire's new clothes"
Additional resources:
“Obama's drone wars"
“They agree on Islamophobia"
"Shoulder to shoulder with apartheid Israel"
2) Assessing Palestine Organizing -- 25 min
3) Building for "Fighting Rape Culture" forum & "Socialism 2013" -- 35 min
Proposed Agenda:
1) Discussion: "Imperialism in the Age of Obama" -- 50 min
Including building for a city-wide event
Please read the article "The empire's new clothes"
Additional resources:
“Obama's drone wars"
“They agree on Islamophobia"
"Shoulder to shoulder with apartheid Israel"
2) Assessing Palestine Organizing -- 25 min
3) Building for "Fighting Rape Culture" forum & "Socialism 2013" -- 35 min
In 2008, Barack Obama stood out from other Democratic candidates for his early opposition to the war in Iraq. Millions of people voted for the "Change" candidate -- and an end to the war & imperialism of George W. Bush. But after four years, it's clear that Obama has continued many of the same or similar policies as Bush. More racist scapegoating of Muslims. More assassinations by unmanned drones. More troops in Afghanistan. Why has Obama continued these policies, and what will it take to stop the U.S. war machine?
Join the International Socialist Organization to discuss the connections between war, Islamophobia, and capitalism in the Obama presidency.
Join the International Socialist Organization to discuss the connections between war, Islamophobia, and capitalism in the Obama presidency.